Lori Marino, President and Charles Vinick, Executive Director
Whale Sanctuary Project
Rob Laidlaw
CBiol MRSB, Executive Director
Zoocheck Inc.
Kathryn and I have worked together to bring an end to whale and dolphin captivity in Canada. Her knowledge and skill have been invaluable in pushing for this change.
Nate Erskine-Smith
MP Beaches—East York
Her experience, knowledge and passion make her an excellent addition to City Hall.
I am proud to support Kathryn!
Valerie Burke (Markham City Council)
Kathryn is very resourceful and we’d love to work with her again.
Liz White
Leader, Animal Protection Party of Canada
Director, Animal Alliance of Canada
Ainslie Willock
Campaign Manager, No Pets in Research
Animal Alliance of Canada
Kathryn has worked with us at length on the captive marine mammal situation in Canada to help strengthen our substandard laws pertaining to these very complex animals.
When she spoke at the Senate Committee in support of Bill S-203 (an Act to prohibit any further cetaceans from being imported, captured or bred for captive display), her testimony was one that stood out amongst most others. She was well prepared to back up her testimony and was able to intelligently address any questions posed to her. I was entirley impressed with her level of awareness and research into this issue.
Carly Ferguson
Ontario Captive Animal Watch Inc.
Amanda Sussman
Author, The Art of the Possible: A Handbook for Political Activism
Head of Policy and Advocacy, Plan International Canada, Because I am a Girl Initiative